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新聞稿                                                                                          2021年4月21日

名師盡出     專家雲集     支援兒童、青少年及家長身心靈健康

Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive)

香港,2021年4月16日 ── 友邦慈善基金宣佈推出網上活動平台「友邦慈善基金網上健康樂園」,免費提供150多個富趣味又具學術性的工作坊、重量級嘉賓主講的定期親子講座或活動,以及益智刺激的網上遊戲,讓兒童及家長可以在足不出戶的情況下充實自己之餘,亦可透過參與富有特色的活動,保持積極正面的心態,讓身心靈更健康。

「友邦慈善基金網上健康樂園」設有三大部分:「工作坊」Workshops由多位名師主理,每星期更新內容,涵蓋趣味學習、發展個人素養及提升身心健康各個範疇,如中文創作坊、STEM、唱歌、社交禮儀、武術及手工等;「活動區」Events邀請了多位重量級嘉賓於每月帶來親子講座,包括親子遊戲愛連繫協會主席及總督導周婉芬博士、家庭發展基金總幹事羅乃萱女士、財商教育學院課程及培訓總監關顯彬校長,以及香港有品運動發起人及機構總監凌葉麗嬋女士。而於母親節及父親節當天,更邀請到著名樂隊DisCover舉行網上互動音樂會,接受兒童點唱,讓他們向父母表達愛意;「遊戲區」(Games設有宣揚健康訊息的網上遊戲,為兒童提供既精彩刺激又有益身心的闖關挑戰活動,多個不同網上遊戲將陸續推出。兒童只要在「友邦慈善基金網上健康樂園」 AIAF-wellness.org作簡單登記,便可免費參與「工作坊」及「遊戲區」,而專為家長及大眾而設的「活動區」則毋須登記。








名師包括著名教育家及兒童文學作家陳葒校長、前央視電視台節目主持及頂尖國際學校顧問Mr. Kenny、著名英語補習天后Ms Venus Yiu、著名歌唱家及音樂總監何冠儀小姐及前電台主播暨女性雜誌專欄作家陳心怡小姐等。







友邦香港 一口田慈善教育基金 
陳惠芳小姐 Ms Adrienne Wong
+852 2100 1416

+852 3583 3100 / +852 9450 9757

如欲查詢詳情及索取照片,歡迎與Ms Adrienne Wong聯絡(電話:9450 9757;電郵。






導師:「陳校長免費補習天地」創辦人陳葒校長,曾獲港澳台灣慈善基金會頒授「第八屆愛心獎」、《星島日報》集團頒授「2014傑出領袖獎(教育和科技)」,並於 2017年獲香港教育大學頒授榮譽院士銜。陳校長為著名兒童文學作家,以及香港中文文學雙年獎(兒童少年文學組)冠軍得主,曾任青少年文藝雜誌《新少年雙月刊》主編,擅長以創新手法教授中文寫作。



導師:前央視電視台節目主持及頂尖國際學校顧問、操流利英語及普通話的Mr. Kenny,以及著名英語補習天后Ms Venus Yiu。



導師:何冠儀,香港演藝學院藝術(榮譽)學士及美國加州州立大學富爾頓分校傳播系碩士,並獲發香港大學專業進修學院創意產業管理(藝術及文化)深造文憑及整合營銷傳播深造文憑。曾於新加坡ERC Institute ACT Academy擔任全職講師。2018年遠赴美國紐約百老匯進修音樂劇表演及老師工作坊,完成導演、編舞、唱歌及音樂指揮等課程,現為Mermen Musical School by Mermen Theatre 音樂總監。



導師:陳心怡,前新城財經台、新城知訊台、新城娛樂台及數碼生活台監製及主持,並為多本女性雜誌包括Elle及Marie Claire撰寫專欄。



導師:Walker Cheng,曾為賽馬會創新教育工作室及教育品牌編寫 STEM 及 AI 課程,於青協及其他機構開設 STEM 導師培訓課程,以及協助籌辦 STEM 比賽和展覽活動。









導師:香港知名職業魔術師Nelson Chau,擁有超過十年公開演出之豐富經驗,於TVB 首個電視魔術節目《魔法擂台》中嶄露頭角,並獲得「魔界傑士」之稱號,同時亦為《全國近景魔術大賽》勝出者。









晚上9時 – 10時30分




晚上9時 – 11時




晚上9時 – 11時




晚上9時 – 10時30分


親子講座:正向管教  積極孩子


晚上9時 – 10時30分




晚上9時 – 10時30分





Press Release                                                                                      21 April 2021

“AIA Foundation Online Wellness Playground” Makes Its Debut
Providing 150+ Free Educational Workshops, Parenting Seminars and Games
Featuring Experienced Teachers and Renowned Education Experts
in Support of the Physical and Mental Well-being of Children, Youth and Parents

Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive)

Hong Kong, 16 April 2021 – AIA Foundation announces the launch of “AIA Foundation Online Wellness Playground” ( that provides over 150 educational and fun workshops, regular parenting talks and activities hosted by distinguished guests, as well as exciting online games for free, to help children and parents enrich themselves, stay positive and enhance their physical and mental well-being without having to set foot outdoor.

There are three main sections in “AIA Foundation Online Wellness Playground”: “Workshops” that provides fun learning, personality development and well-being enhancement, hosted by renowned instructors, covering a vast spectrum of topics that will be updated weekly, including Chinese creative writing, STEM, singing, social etiquette, martial arts, and handicrafts, etc.; “Events” will feature monthly parenting talks hosted by distinguished speakers including Dr. Iris Chau, Chairperson and Chief Clinical Supervisor of Child Parent Relationship Therapy Association of Hong Kong, Ms Shirley Loo, Secretary-General of the Family Development Foundation, Principal Johnny Kwan, Curriculum and Training Director of FQ Education Academy, and Mrs. Josephine Ling, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Character City Movement. On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, renowned band DisCover will host an online interactive concert, taking song requests from children to dedicate their love to their parents; “Games” offers online games that promote healthy messages, providing fun and challenging tasks for children. More games will be launched in due course. Children can participate in “Workshops” and “Games” by registering on “AIA Foundation Online Wellness Playground” ( while no registration is required for “Events”, which is dedicated for parents and the public.

Title sponsored by AIA Foundation while designed, provided and managed by Seedland Educational Charitable Foundation, “AIA Foundation Online Wellness Playground” is expected to provide regular and interesting online activities for over 3,000 children and their family in support of their physical and mental well-being.

Mr. Alger Fung, Chief Executive Officer of AIA Hong Kong & Macau and Director of AIA Foundation, said, “AIA Foundation is committed to driving social and economic development and nurturing our children and young people. With the aim to cultivate a healthier and more productive future human capital for the society, we established the US$100 million AIA Scholarships last year, in addition to running the Young Leaders Development Programme for more than two decades. Year 2020 was a challenging year with students being restricted from enjoying free play time outdoor and attending extracurricular activities, which in turn have affected their physical and mental well-being. On this account, we are motivated to title sponsor ‘AIA Foundation Online Wellness Playground’. We aim to encourage children to learn via play and parents to enjoy parenting talks and online concerts by utilising digital technology, hence helping people live Healthier, Longer, Better Lives in the new normal.”

According to Article 31, Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) of the United Nations, a child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. In 2011, a research by the American Academy of Paediatrics pointed out that children who lose time to play freely are more prone to depression and anxiety disorder, thus suggested to provide at least one hour of free play time a day for children. In response to these suggestions, “AIA Foundation Online Wellness Playground” offers “Workshops”, “Games” and “Events” to proactively meet the needs of children and parents in Hong Kong.

Three Main Sections


[See Attachment 1 for details]

Multi-intelligence workshops hosted by renowned instructors, updated weekly, covering a vast spectrum of topics such as Chinese creative writing, creative English, singing, social etiquette, STEM, martial arts, handicrafts and magic, allowing children to learn through play.

The inspiring instructors include Principal Chan Hung, renowned educator and children literature author; Mr. Kenny, former English-and-Mandarin bilingual TV host of CCTV and an educational consultant; Ms Venus Yiu, renowned English instructor; Ms Gillian Ho, renowned vocalist and Musical Director; and Ms Cat Chan (Mamacat), former radio programme host and columnist of women’s magazines.

[See Attachment 2 for details]

Monthly parenting talks will feature renowned speakers including Dr. Iris Chau, Chairperson and Chief Clinical Supervisor of Child Parent Relationship Therapy Association of Hong Kong; Ms Shirley Loo, Secretary-General of the Family Development Foundation; Principal Johnny Kwan, Curriculum and Training Director of FQ Education Academy; and Mrs. Josephine Ling, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Character City Movement.

On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, renowned band DisCover will host an online interactive concert, taking song requests from children to dedicate their love to their parents.


More to be launched in due course, the online games offer fun and challenging tasks for children to enjoy at home.

About AIA Foundation
AIA Foundation was established in 1995 with the mission to create shared value by promoting charitable activities and driving social and economic development. Affirming its long-term commitment to investing and nurturing our children and youth, AIA Foundation strives to cultivate a healthier and more productive future human capital for Hong Kong. Through a wide variety of activities promoting physical, mental and financial health, and in pursuit of its charitable objectives, AIA Foundation is committed to helping people live Healthier, Longer, Better Lives, while actively supporting the less privileged by means of financial assistance and other charitable events to contribute to the community at large.


AIA Hong Kong Seedland Educational Charitable Foundation
Ms Esther Chan Ms Adrienne Wong
+852 2100 1416 +852 3583 3100 / +852 9450 9757

For more information and photos, please contact Ms Adrienne Wong (Tel: 9450 9757; Email:

Attachment 1:

(Children can join for free with simple registration on “AIA Foundation Online Wellness Playground”)


Instructor and Content

Chinese creative writing

Tutor: Principal Chan Hung is the founder of Principal Chan Free Tutorial World, and awardee of the 8th Compassion Award by Hong Kong & Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund, Leader of the Year Award 2014 (Education and Technology) by Sing Tao News Corporation Limited and Honorary Fellowship by the Education University of Hong Kong in 2017. He is a renowned children’s literature author and winner of the Hong Kong Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature (Children and Youth Literature). He was the Editor-in-Chief of youth literature magazine New Youth Bi-monthly and is an expert in teaching Chinese creative writing.

Content: To inspire students to go hands-on with Chinese creative writing in a lively and fun way.

Creative English

Tutor: Mr. Kenny, former English-and-Mandarin bilingual TV host of CCTV and an educational consultant; and Ms Venus Yiu, renowned English instructor.

Content: To teach practical English in a fun and audience-friendly manner, opening up students’ horizon in addition to learning the language.


Tutor: Ms Gillian Ho holds Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and Master of Arts in Communication of California State University, Fullerton. She has also been awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Industries Management and Postgraduate Diploma in Integrated Marketing Communications by HKU SPACE. A former full-time lecturer at ERC Institute ACT Academy in Singapore, in 2018, she flew all the way to Broadway in the USA to further her studies in musical performance and teaching, covering courses in directing, choreography, singing, and conducting. She is now the Musical Director of Mermen Musical School by Mermen Theatre.

Content: To teach one popular song in each class while covering some musical theories and score reading techniques.

Social etiquette

Tutor: Ms Cat Chan (Mamacat), former radio show producer and programme host of Metro Broadcast and columnist of women’s magazines Elle and Marie Claire.

Content: To teach social etiquettes applicable to daily life including demeanours, dress codes, manners for interviews, conversations, phone manners, banquet etiquette and table manners, etc.


Tutor: Mr. Walker Cheng had designed STEM and AI courses for Jockey Club Neo Education Lab and other education brands. He has also coached STEM tutor training courses at the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and co-hosted STEM competitions and exhibitions.

Content: To carry out experiments and deconstruct science theories using items that can be easily found in daily life; to introduce mathematical concepts of probability, distribution and ruled surface by guiding children to do handicrafts; and teach simple coding.

Martial arts

Tutor: Experienced instructors assigned by Hong Kong Guoshu Association and Hong Kong Muay-Thai Association.

Content: To teach Wing Chun, Changquan, Nanquan, and Muay Thai, providing both physical training and character training to promote self-discipline, grit and ethics.


Tutor: Ms Libby Lee, experienced visual arts teacher who has taught drawing and handicraft classes in church and schools.

Content: To teach children to create handicrafts, including DIY toys and practical houseware, with recycled materials that can be easily found at home. The first 100 applicants will receive a material pack for free.


Tutor: With over 10 years of profound experience in public performance, Mr. Nelson Chau has become a famous magician following his appearance on The Magic Ring, TVB’s first magic show. Nicknamed “Magic Hero”, he is the champion of “National Close-up Magic Competition”.

Content: To teach children to perform magic tricks with items that can be easily found at home. The first 60 applicants will receive a material pack for free.

Attachment 2:

(Dedicated for parents and the public; no registration required)





25th April (Sunday)

9pm – 10:30pm

Dr. Iris Chau, Chairperson and Chief Clinical Supervisor of Child Parent Relationship Therapy Association of Hong Kong

Parenting talk: How to help children avoid electronics addiction

9th May (Sunday)

9pm – 11pm

Renowned band DisCover

Mother’s Day online concert

20th June (Sunday)

9pm – 11pm

Renowned band DisCover

Father’s Day online concert

31st July (Saturday)

9pm – 10:30pm

Ms Shirley Loo, Secretary-General of the Family Development Foundation

Parenting talk: Positive parental discipline for positive child

22nd August (Sunday)

9pm – 10:30pm

Principal Johnny Kwan, Curriculum and Training Director of FQ Education Academy

Lecture on financial education for children

12th September (Sunday)

9pm – 10:30pm

Mrs. Josephine Ling, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Character City Movement

Parenting talk

Note: Please visit “AIA Foundation Online Wellness Playground” ( for the most updated news and schedule.