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新聞稿                                                                                                       2019年7月23日


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有關耀中幼教學院 YCCECE
耀中幼教學院(YCCECE)成立於2018年6月,前身為耀中社區書院,由非牟利團體耀中教育機構於2008年成立。社區書院的成功升格,不僅鼓舞了盡心盡力培育幼師的教職員,更印證着耀中超過87年來致力推廣優質幼兒教育的豐碩成果。耀中幼教學院旨在培養充滿熱情和勇於創新的幼兒教育者,並盼他們不斷改進、尋求突破,引領業界跨越新領域,務求成為香港,以至亞太地區的幼兒教育樞紐。耀中幼教學院由本地及國際幼教專家掌舵,並配備多元文化及聞名國際的教學團隊。耀中幼教學院提供多元文化及全英語學習環境,以配合來自不同社經文化背景的本地和海外學生的教育需求,培育具備國際視野的幼兒教育專才。耀中幼教學院開辦幼兒教育榮譽學士學位、幼兒教育高級文憑課程以及幼兒學文憑課程。耀中幼教學院更竭誠為社區服務,並樂於與幼教界人士、家長與照顧者合作,並為幼教理念提供良好的實踐空間。因此,學院成立了耀中幼教發展中心(YCECDC),為幼兒教育從業者、家長及與照顧幼兒的人士提供各項持續專業發展課程。「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」是耀中幼教發展中心的旗艦項目,於2019年7月正式啟用,為來自不同階層的零至八歲兒童及其家長或其照顧者提供具啓發性的多元探索空間,讓成年人與孩子快樂地體驗遊戲中學習。

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Press release                                                                                                   23rd July 2019                

Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education announces the appointment of new President

Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive) or Download (Zip)

A pioneer in Early Childhood Education (ECE), Yew Chung was the first in Hong Kong to introduce the revolutionary concept of play-based learning. Operated by Yew Chung Education Foundation, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) is the first degree-awarding institution in Asia that specialises in training ECE experts, offering a wide range of programmes including Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education (BEdECE), Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (HDECE), and Diploma in Early Childhood Studies (DECS). It is with much delight that YCCECE announces the appointment of Professor Allan H.K. Yuen as the new President, succeeding Professor Shen Shir Ming to lead the College, from 2nd September 2019 onwards, to new heights in promoting quality ECE.

Graduating from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a B.A. (Hons) in Philosophy and Mathematics, Professor Allan H.K. Yuen continued his studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and China Graduate School of Theology, and later on earned his doctorate from La Trobe University in Australia. Professor Yuen has more than 20 years of extensive leadership experience in serving multiple Higher Education institutions in Hong Kong and Australia, including but not limited to being the Director of various programmes, Head of Division, and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong. His expertise spans across the areas of educational technology, educational evaluation, research methodology, and educational change and innovation. In addition to his outstanding track records in academia, he has demonstrated executive leadership, vision, pioneering spirit and innovation as a founding member of the Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE), the first of its kind in Hong Kong. During his service at The University of Hong Kong, he was responsible for the accelerated development of self-financed postgraduate programmes. Outside the campus, he has taken up leadership roles and made significant contributions to professional societies, government committees and voluntary organisations.

Dr. Betty Chan, Chairperson of the Board of Governors of YCCECE, remarks, “Professor Yuen has greatly impressed the Search Committee with his passion and diligence for education and clear vision of the mission of a specialist tertiary institution. His innovative leadership style is also a perfect fit for YCCECE. We look forward enthusiastically to the great things Professor Yuen will achieve hand in hand with our committed colleagues and excellent students. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Professor Shen for her tremendous contributions and dedicated service to Yew Chung Community College and YCCECE over the past years. Professor Shen will forever be known as our Inaugural President and donor, who has left an impressive legacy at the College.”

Professor Allan H.K. Yuen, remarks, “I am most humbled for the privilege to join Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education, and thus the family of Yew Chung. I look forward to carrying on the legacy of Professor Shen Shir Ming, and the innovation, tenacity and qualify education that defines the College.”

Professor Allan H.K. Yuen

Before her official retirement on 31st July 2019, Professor Shen Shir Ming will be on administrative leave. Dr. F.T. Chan, Member of the Council of YCCECE, will take up the role of Acting President until 1st September 2019, thus enabling a smooth transition of leadership to Professor Yuen.

Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE), a registered non-profit institution, was established in June 2018. It builds on the former Yew Chung Community College (YCCC), which was started in 2008 by the Yew Chung Education Foundation (YCEF), also a non-profit organization. The success of the YCCECE is founded on the impressive track record of YCCC and YCEF’s more-than 87 years of experience in Early Childhood Education (ECE). YCCECE aims to nurture passionate and innovative early childhood educators who can advocate for and bring about improvement in the field, and seeks to be recognised in Hong Kong and in the Asia-Pacific region as an ECE hub for its excellence. YCCECE boasts an impressive team of world-renowned ECE academics and local ECE leaders as advisors and consultants.  Its teaching faculty hails from around the world, providing a wealth of international perspectives and expertise.  Its student body is also multi-cultural and from diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. YCCECE offers Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education (BEdECE), Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (HDECE) and Diploma in Early Childhood Studies (DECS). YCCECE is also committed to serving the wider community and sharing good practices with all who work with, care for, or care about young children. Thus, the College has established Yew Chung Early Childhood Development Centre (YCECDC) to provide Continuing Professional Development programmes for ECE practitioners, parents and caregivers. “Pamela Peck Discovery Space” in its Aberdeen campus is the flagship programme of YCECDC, with an interactive play space specifically designed for children aged 0 to 8 years old.  Through expert facilitation by Discovery Space staff, children and adults will joyfully learn through play. This innovative play space in the Aberdeen campus is open to the public from July 2019.

Released by Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education
Media enquiries:
Tel: +852 3583 3100                     Fax: +852 3583 1331
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Ms. Helena Hui (9534 0813 /
Ms. Anne Fung (6698 2252 /